A wardrobe staple that will work through all seasons giving your look a comfortable, cosy vibe. If you ask us, a knitted top is a popular style all year round! Find the one that suits you and maybe style it with a pair of jeans. Psst… adjust your shoes for the season to make sure, your look turns heads.
- Product Type : Knitted pullover
- Neck : U-Neck
- Sleeve : Sleeveless (S/L)
Številka izdelka: 10309837
Glavni material v tem izdelku vsebuje vsaj 50% recikliranega poliestra. Recikliran poliester varčuje naravne vire in zmanjšuje količino odpadkov, Glavni material v tem izdelku vsebuje vsaj 50% Livaeco by Birla Cellulose™, umetno celulozno vlakno iz lesne pulpe, pridobljene iz certificiranih gozdov, sledljivo skozi celotno vrednostno verigo. Livaeco by Birla Cellulose™ varčuje z vodo in zmanjšuje okoljski vpliv